Online learning platform launching soon

Enterprise Exchange International

Market Leader since 2001 of Entrepreneurship Education and Training for Marginalised Communities.

EXI’s DNA can be found everywhere in today’s flourishing youth and marginalised-community entrepreneurship sector!

EXI was launched in 2004 as the developer and owner of four accredited Entrepreneurship courses, courseware and Train the Trainer-Mentor services. 

EXI’s pedagogy was developed from PhD research to harness the entrepreneurial potential in at-risk youth. This internationally pioneering research commenced in 2001 by psychologist Louise Earnshaw explored the ‘similarities between entrepreneurs and youth at risk.’ 

The research found that both shared the Chutzpah Factor! 

The word “Chutzpah’ is Yiddish for cheek audacity guts and gall in other words.. an entrepreneur!

Louise launched EXI Pty Ltd and its sister organisation the Chutzpah Factory College of Entrepreneurship Inc. to deliver national and international entrepreneurship training for people with unrealised entrepreneurial potential and living on the margins. 

When the courses were released in 2005, Enterprise Education was in its infancy and EXI courses were the only accredited entrepreneurship qualifications in the Australian Vocational Education and Training sector.

2002: A international spearhead of entrepreneurship for marginalised communities

Louise’s research was a national spearhead for work in this space.

Maverick-youth entrepreneurship capital was all but non-existent.  

She both created and lead a market for marginalised youth and community entrepreneurship across Australia, New Zealand and Europe.

The extensive work undertaken since 2002 by EXI and Chutzpah Inc., together with the abundant media profiling of Louise’s PhD research and its applications, distributed a successful methodology that saw the flourishing of subsequent national programs. 

EXI and Chutzpah trained many of the leaders of today’s indigenous and at-risk youth entrepreneurship organisations in Australia. 



Building Entrepreneurs & Ecosystems for marginalised communities

Transforming recently arrived refugees & their service providers into entrepreneurs & entrepreneur-ecosystems for full social & economic participation.

Incubators with National Reach

Refugee-enterprise hubs nationally networked to power economic autonomy and meaningful work.

Rapid Psychological Relief

Critical Incident and Trauma Response for first-responders and Australian and International organisations in crisis.

Virtual Incubators with National Reach

Refugee-enterprise hubs nationally networked to power economic autonomy and meaningful work.

Rapid Psychological Relief

Critical Incident and Trauma Response for first-responders and Australian and International organisations in crisis.

The Chutzpah Factory College of Entrepreneurship Inc. 2005-2008

The Chutzpah Factory College of Entrepreneurship Inc. launched regional and remote college sites devoted to meeting the education, training, employment and personal needs of talented  indigenous and non-indigenous young people.

Chutzpah Bendigo, Chutzpah Goldfields and Chutzpah Ngaanyatjarra graduated its ‘Chutzpaniks’ with a new venture, a support network, nationally recognised qualifications and a focused future. 

Our clients

Partner organisations and past clients
